Facilitation & Transformative Coaching Sessions  In-Person & Online

Lorraine Frongillo, is a Worldwide Access Consciousness® Facilitator & a ‘Spirit World’ Communicator with over 25 years as an Intuitive Conscious Living Consultant offering Facilitation/Coaching Sessions on-line virtually, via ZOOM, as well as in person, using the pragmatic tools & techniques of Access Consciousness®.   She is an expert in facilitating both Physiological & Energetic Empowerment, and has touched literally thousands of people and their bodies, both in-person and virtually, Worldwide.  Lorraine delivers precise facilitation and is a catalyst of change, empowering people to know that they know ~ generating & creating possibilities and change in their bodies, lives, relationships, sex, money flows, family dynamics, and overall living, beyond their wildest imagination.  She invites all to acknowledge the magnificent contribution and gift they truly are on this phenomenal planet, and to embrace the Joy of Embodiment ~ choosing to live their lives with Ease, Joy & Glory.

Each session is personally tailored to your requirements ~ facilitating change in your life, your body, money flows & revenue streams, relationships….literally anywhere you feel ‘stuck’ or stagnant…opening to the creation, generation and actualization of the life you’ve always known is possible! 

1:1 Facilitation 30 Minute Session $250 USD
1:1 Facilitation 60 Minute Session $500 USD
1:1 Facilitation Package 4 Sessions $1800 USD

Are you willing to receive everything the Infinite Universe is gifting you, where “All of Life Comes to You with Ease, Joy and Glory?”  Why not schedule your Private Facilitation ~ Conscious Living Coaching One-To-One Session today?

Tools & Questions: How does it get any better than this? What else is possible? Interesting point of view, for every point of view you or anyone else has. Who does this belong to?


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