What If Being Uncomfortable Was A Gift?
Say what…..“being uncomfortable is a gift” ~ what is she talking about now?!? I know…it sounds a bit crazy, because for most people upon this phenomenal planet, being uncomfortable …well…is not comfortable, and who could truly enjoy that? Ok….Mini Story Time: I was in counseling In the early 90’s with a phenomenal psychologist who, one day, in session said to me: “yes, you are comfortable, but are you truly happy?” Without hesitation, my answer was “no”. She went on to tell me the analogy of the frog in the pan of water; “if you place a frog in a pan of water and place it on a stove, and every so often turn the heat up, the frog acclimates, becoming “comfortable” to each rising temperature, until at such time the frog dies when the water reaches boiling. Yikes! The moral of the ‘story’ is being comfortable does NOT equal happiness, yet in this reality people stay in a relationships, jobs, etc. that they are miserable in and unhappy with, because they are ‘comfortable’. Hmmmmm….. what would it take for all of this to change?
We tend to resist discomfort, and push it far, far away out of our existence each and every time that ‘feeling’ of uncomfortable shows up in our body or in our life. But, what if discomfort was a level of awareness that you weren’t acknowledging? And, what if that new level of awareness is gifting you magnificent change and greater possibilities that are available for you to choose? “What are you aware of that you are resisting & refusing, that you truly could be choosing, that if you didn’t resist or refuse it, would gift you awareness beyond your wildest imagination?” Asking this question every time you are uncomfortable, can create a shift & literally open doors of possibility, allowing greater levels of ease to show up in every area of your life and living, including your body. Our bodies are conscious too, and they are always gifting us information/awareness, and when we resist, the resistance locks into the body, becoming solidified….which, by the way creates way more discomfort. Yuck!
So, I wonder….if you begin to embrace the discomfort as the gift it truly is, and allow your awareness to expand, what doors of possibilities would open for you that would allow things that were impossible to change and to transform in ways that you could never have imagined possible? So, my magnificent friends, what do you know … Is NOW is the TIME to LEAP out of your comfort zone and into Greater Possibilities & Happiness?!? It’s just a choice! 🙂